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Summer Gathering 2019 and AGM

Posted on Saturday 25th May 2019



2pm Saturday, 8th June 2019

The events for our Summer Gathering 2019 will be taking place over three days. The detailed programme is listed below.

Invitations to all clan and society members have been sent out already. If you have not received yours yet, please do get in touch with our Membership Secretary as soon as possible.


Schedule of Events

Friday 7th

[17:00] Barbeque, Ardtalla (£10)

Saturday 8th

[11:00] Council Meeting
[13:00] AGM (Members)
[14:00] Guests arrive, Tea, Coffee & Cake
[15:00] Film Show (2011 - 2019)
[17:00] Barbeque Dinner (£15)

There will be musical interludes throughout the afternoon/evening.

Sunday 9th

Boat trip, Loch Katrine on the SS Sir Walter Scott (£12)
[08:45] Depart Ardtalla for Trossachs
[10:30] Depart aboard steam ship for Stonachlachar
[11:30] Mini-Bus pick up at Stronachlachar
[12:00] Loch Chon, Clan Picnic (£5)
[15:30] Return, Larbert, Falkirk, Ardtalla


NB. Weather permitting; the Gathering will be under canvas in the paddock.
       Drivers please use the car park in the Fire Station (left & rear) and New Street.
       Ladies are advised to wear suitable footwear for the grassed areas.